After taking my Digital Design class, I learned how to create an outline for a website,
add different features to it, and utilize additional styling tags to make it look more attractive
and easier to access. With these videos below, you can do the same! The first video demonstrates
how easy it is to make your own site via the Notepad through Windows. A basic outline is then
explored with necessary tags so you can have the name of your site up first and foremost.
By the end of the first video, you should have a basic understanding of what HTML is,
what it can do for you, and how it is used to make up nearly every website in existence that
you see on the internet. The second video helps you to learn some more essential HTML tags
along with some attributes that can be used to give the tags extra properties. After watching
both videos (part 1 and this one), you will know enough HTML to make a website.
You can then look into CSS to add style to your website.
After getting down the basics of HTML, we are now ready to move onto CSS! Think of HTML as
a foundation of a house, and CSS as the exterior look of it. You can now style your website in
any way that you would like. This last video introduces CSS, explains how to link a CSS file with
an HTML document, and teaches the syntax of the language along with the most common properties.
After finishing watching all three videos, you should be able to create your own site, and progress
and add even more features from there! Happy coding (: